NIRWise Plus Calibration Development Training (Eastern)
培训将给一个洞察力on calibration development for ProxiMate NIR
Content of training
Chapter 1:
Basics NIR Spectroscopy
Chapter 2:
NIRWise Basics for Calibration Development
Chapter 3:
Chemometrics Basics
Chapter 4: NIRWise Plus
• Files and Folders
• Functionalities
• Calibration Calculation and Optimization
Learning targets
- You will obtain a basic understanding of chemometrics
- You will be enabled to interpret calibration models and results
- You will be able to create and optimise calibrations with NIRWise Plus
2022 Feb. 9 – 2022 Feb. 10
08.30-11.30 CET on first day /08.30-10.30 CET on second day
Virtual classroom
CHF 300.00
Language of training
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