17 มี.ค. 2565

Swiss Export Award 2022: BUCHI in the finals

Flawil,3月20222。瑞士全球企业(S-GE)每年颁发的出口奖授予有国际业务的荣誉公司,以阐明其扩展战略,其国际化概念的清晰度以及其一致和成功实施的令人印象深刻的结果。BüchiLabortechnik,Altoo和GWF Messsysteme已被提名为今年的奖项。该出口奖将于2022年4月7日提供,作为瑞士国际贸易论坛的一部分。
  • 类型: ข่าว, 2min. เวลาอ่าน

成功的公司出售their products or services abroad are recognized each year with the Export Award. BÜCHI Labortechnik made it into the finals together with Altoo (Wealth Platform) and GWF MessSysteme (complete solutions for handling resources). The three finalists were selected by an honorary and independent jury, made up of well-known individuals from the worlds of business, academia, and the media within Switzerland.

Convincing strategy for international target markets

BUCHI impressed the jury with its crystal-clear market development strategy: the company has been active internationally since the 1960s and has been working to build up and steadily expand its international network since 1976. BÜCHI Labortechnik generates 97% of its sales abroad. With 20 affiliates and numerous distribution partners on all continents, the company consistently pursues its go-to-market strategy.


Award ceremony on 7 April 2022

Which of the three companies has emerged ahead of its competitors will be announced at the award ceremony on April 7, 2022. The ceremony will take place as part of the International Trade Forum at the KKL in Lucerne. The winning company can use the “Export Award” label after April 7. The award not only provides companies with a good reputation among customers and partners but also motivates the workforce and honors their strong performance in international business.

Further information can be found here:https://www.s-ge.com/en/export-award


Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) is the official Swiss organization for export and investment promotion with offices throughout Switzerland and in 31 countries. As a non-profit organization, SGE provides a public service on behalf of the Swiss Confederation (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO) and the cantons. They operate 27 offices, the so-called Swiss Business Hubs and Trade Points, in 31 countries jointly with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).